Portland High School

How can your school support staff help you?

  • A chance to talk with a trusted adult about what happened, how you're feeling, and what accommodations you may need in the classroom

  • Information and resources to guide you through whatever next steps you may choose

  • Referrals for longer term support where you live (mental health, legal, police, emergency shelter)

*All abuse done to a person under 18 will be reported to the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). The Portland Public Schools District will not force a student to make a report. Parents may be notified and involved in the process, students can request anonymity upon disclosure.


Administrators can provide safe and confidential support. They may offer a restorative justice mediator to assist the people involved to work together to agree on a safety plan. Accommodations can be made to prevent both parties from interacting at school and at school events. They may also determine disciplinary action for the perpetrator such as counseling, suspension, or expulsion.

Title IX Liaison at your school that can help you understand school policies and procedures, and provide information about your options and what your next steps may be.

Social Workers can offer short term support. They are trained to provide safe, confidential support. They may discuss possible accommodations to ensure a safe learning environment, as well as links to appropriate services (school administration, police department, emotional support, mental health services, etc.).

Guidance counselors offer long term support to students.

School Administrators

Sheila Jepson, Principal

Jade Costello, Assistant Principal

Kim Holmes, Assistant Principal

Social Workers

Katie Small, Social Worker

Sophia Payson-Rand, Social Worker

Guidance Counselors

Marissa Emerson, Guidance Counselor

Johannah Burdin, Guidance Counselor